Vincent Villamonte (Young Mafia Member) won "First Place" in the Close-up Competition T.A.O.M. convention in Houston, TX.
Texas Association of Magicians Convention took place September 4th - 7th 2009 in Houston. This convention is one of the largest in the U.S. often topping attendance at either of the “national” conventions (I.B.M. and S.A.M. conventions) with over 1,000 attendees
Jay "the Humann Torch" Humann is still going strong!
Jay was seen on the stage with sideshow owner Jimmy Zajicek in Tucson, AZ, hanging around with Donny Vomit from the world famous Sideshow by the Seashore in Coney Island, lighting up the North Dakota State Fair with elaborately bearded freak John Shaw, and fighting over custody of a 5-legged dog with his good friend John Strong, all between March and August of 2009! Jay can barely keep track of his own comings and goings, so if you see him around, drop us a line and let us know where he is.
Also, he isn't saying much yet, but rumor has it that he will be unveiling a new freak attraction for 2010, so keep your eyes open for the latest addition to Jay Humann's Oddities, Marvels, & Wonders Show!
The Boy is in the IBM
The August 2007 issue of the International Brotherhood of Magician's Magazine has a great article on Vincent. Keep up the good work Vin!
Our Vincent Villamonte Wins The Silver!
The youngest member of the Mafia is trying to become a "made-man" within our group. Vincent competed in Reno, NV. in the youth competition with the International Brotherhood of Magician's annual convention. Vincent took 2dn place out of many contenders from all over the world. He also had a write up in the "Linking Ring" (IBM international magazine) and the Lincoln Journal Star news paper. Congratulations Vincent, you are an up and coming star!
Missing Magic Mafia Member Resurfaces
Sideshow superstar Jay “The Humann Torch” Humann dropped off the radar shortly after doing some county fairs with me in 2003. Recently, a television station in Lubbock, Texas caught Jay working as a “pitchman” at the Greater South Plains Fair. As it turns out, Jay has been traveling with the John Strong Circus Sideshow and, when he’s not performing on the stage, he demonstrates (or “pitches”) magic tricks which he then sells. Since September of 2006 Jay has been in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Missouri, with no plans to stop any time soon. The last time we spoke he was planning on spending the winter in Puerto Rico, but didn’t know for sure. He promised to keep in torch; I mean touch, so I’ll try to keep you posted on where you can see Jay do his thing.
Luis “3-Card” Villamonte
I just heard that Jay will be in Texas during the month of December doing various street fairs, flea markets, and Christmas shows. I asked him where in Texas, and he said “everywhere”, so keep your eyes open, Texans, and if you spot him tell him we said ‘hi’.
Somewhere, buried deep within the Magic Mafia™ infrastructure, there must be a leak, (a canary, a turncoat, a snitch, a squealer…you get the picture), 'cuz the word has gotten out and EVERYBODY wants “The Mob” to perform at their party. If you want to impress your friends by having a real life “Magic Mobster” at your next clam-bake (shindig, wingding, bash, social event…you get the idea), well you can just fuhgeddaboudit ‘cuz you’re not that cool. Just kidding!
You too can “Rent-a-Racketeer” by going to our CONTACT page and tell us what you want and how to contact you. Send us all the information you can.
They are out and about at your county fair, look in your local newspaper for details. The weather is HOT and so are they. We have spotted Luis in Exeter, Nebraska and Luis and Jay in Butler County, Adam has been seen doing shows locally and in Iowa, and Troy has been spotted in Iowa as well. They were seen all together in Colorado but our sources say that was a contract hit.
The Magic Mafia has a special series of instructional and teaching DVD videos to be released soon. Go to (under "DVD Video & Special Magic") and see what the gang has to offer (pretty neat stuff). These DVD's are top quality and the "MOB" has worked hard to bring you the finest in magic teaching video. Order yours today.
Learn to perform the "Dancing Cane" from Troy Tinnean. Troy's straight-forward, and easy to understand method will have you performing this beautiful stage/platform illusion in no time at all! Packed full with everything you'll need to know... and then some! Add a little "Class" to your show, by performing The Dancing Cane. (see
Find out how the Sideshow freaks eat FIRE from Jay Humann! Watch Jay as he performs "The Human Volcano", "Fire Spitting", and lots of other fire stunts. (For entertainment & educational purposes ONLY! DO NOT TRY ANY OF THE FIRE STUNTS EXPLAINED ON THIS VIDEO! (see
Luis Villamonte, "The Godfather" will teach you the finer points of making your close-up magic much more of an impact, with his 'Deekie & Doodle' DVD video! Learn from the "Mentor" of the other three Magic Mafia™ members, as Luis teaches you routines with sponge balls, coins, cards, and tons of important insights... A MUST HAVE if you perform any close-up and strolling magic! Special two disc set. (see
Call and order yours today... and start entertaining with great magic tomorrow!
Here are just a few reviews the Magic Mafia™ has received so far:
"An excellent mix of styles and personalities, and (the show was) not too long either!" - Pete Peterson
"Luis is very polished and professional. You can tell he's done this a few times." - Dean Virgl
"Troy is cool! Lou is "the Man", and Jay is GROSS!" - General consensus of audience members.
"When Jay breathed fire it melted the lid onto my cup!" - Some kid in the front row, who is recovering nicely!
"Electrifying!" - Benjamin Franklin
"Uh-oh." - David Coppenfold
"(unintelligible mumbling noises)." - David Blame
"This isn't happening...this can't be happening...(keeps repeating)." - Chrissy Angle
"You've got us spinning!" - Houdini and Blackstone